Meth Withdrawal Symptoms

Withdrawal symptoms are not permanent.
Meth withdrawal symptoms can range from mild to moderate and depend on a variety of influential factors such as how long a user abused the drug, the level of drug use or the individual health of the user. On the mild side, meth withdrawal may include symptoms of fatigue and periods of long sleep. On a more severe note, the symptoms could include psychosis, hallucinations and potentially lethal side effects.
Although meth withdrawal is typically not a danger to the addict, there are cases in which withdrawing from methamphetamine can lead to severe consequences that pose serious risks to the user. Paranoia, restlessness, suicidal thoughts and hallucinations can lead the addict to take drastic measures in an effort to find and use more methamphetamine. In cases in which the addict becomes a risk to himself or to others it’s important to seek medical treatment and around-the-clock care to help treat symptoms of methamphetamine withdrawal safely and effectively.
What Influences Meth Withdrawal Symptoms?
Various factors can make meth withdrawal symptoms more dangerous or more prevalent in some people than they are in others. Some people can consume more methamphetamine than others with a limited instance of withdrawal when the drug use stops. This all depends on the various influential factors associated with meth addiction, the level of drug use and the user himself.
Generally, meth addicts who also use other drugs such as heroin, prescription drugs, cocaine or other substances will have greater feelings of withdrawal when they quit using than those who are only addicted to one thing. Unfortunately, this isn’t always the case which means it can be rather difficult to determine how severe withdrawal symptoms will be until they actually begin. Likewise, an individual who has been through meth withdrawal before may feel very different symptoms the next time he or she withdraws depending on various factors.
Some of the factors that influence meth withdrawal include:
- The age of the user
- The amount of time that the individual used methamphetamine
- The amount of methamphetamine that was used regularly
- The way that the methamphetamine was used (ie. Injected, snorted, smoked)
- Whether other drugs were also used
- Mental health conditions that were previously existing
- How severe meth withdrawal was in the past (if there were past cases of meth withdrawal)
Crystal Meth Withdrawal Symptoms
Even short term use of methamphetamine can lead to extensive meth withdrawal symptoms that are rather difficult to cope with. People who abuse meth are likely to feel tired, sluggish or otherwise unable to function when they don’t have the drug. While this can be difficult to cope with for the user, being tired is not necessarily a danger to the recovering addict.
Unfortunately, meth withdrawal symptoms are not always as simple as just feeling sluggish or tired. Some addicts will slip into serious bouts of depression as a result of their withdrawal from methamphetamine and this depression can lead to suicidal ideations or a desire to discontinue life. Users who suffer from extreme withdrawal symptoms such as suicidal thoughts, lucid dreams and nightmares, psychosis and hallucinations should seek prompt medical treatment to ensure their safety and adequate recovery.
Meth Withdrawal Symptoms Treatment
Many of the symptoms of meth withdrawal can be treated with conventional medicine and therapy options. Non-life-threatening meth withdrawal symptoms are best treated with rest, relaxation and sustained abstinence. For symptoms of meth withdrawal that pose a health risk to the user or for symptoms that make the user a danger to him or herself, professional treatment and monitoring are recommended.
Seek immediate treatment if you or a loved one suffers from any of the following meth withdrawal symptoms:
- Depression that is resistant to treatment
- Psychosis that resembles schizophrenia
- Paranoia that interrupts thoughts or regular routines
- Poor eye focus
- Lack of judgment
- Withdrawn attitude
- Slowed movements